Sunday, June 21, 2009

Circus/Magic Show with Cash

On Saturday, Mac and I were invited by Amy and Cash to go to a circus. It turned out to be more of a magic show, but it was fun. The boys seemed to enjoy it, and for 2 year olds, they were very good!! Camp was spending the afternoon with his grandma, and I am not sure what Camp and Casho thought about being apart, but we felt very honored to be asked. Thank you, Amy, for inviting myself and my little man...we'll have to get together again and get ice cream and take the boys to the park!
Cash in his carseat on the ride...isn't he adorable?

Mac riding in Camp's carseat.

There's a girl in this box!! This was Cash and Mac's favorite trick!!

Cash and his mommy, Amy

Mac with his mommy

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