Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cheap Entertainment #4

Today's cheap entertainment is water balloons...the kids (and Randall) had a great time. I bought a package of 100 water balloons at the Dollar Tree for, what else, $1. We only used about half of them today, so today's entertainment cost me about 50 cents...UNBELIEVABLE!! The balloons came with a small attachment to hook up to an outside faucet. I got the balloons ready and placed them in the ice chest while Emma and Mac were resting. Although they didn't last long, a fun time was had by all. After the balloons were gone, we hooked up the spinkler for more water fun!

The balloons before playtime.

Emma with a balloon

Mac with his balloon.

We had one upset Emma when all the balloons were gone.

I don't remember what he was saying!!

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