Sunday, July 26, 2009

Not So Lazy Sunday

I am taking a break from what I have been doing today to blog about what I've been doing today!! Mac and I got up early this morning...Emma spent the night at Grandma's. We picked Emma and Grandma up about 7:40 and headed to early church and Sunday School. I subbed in Emma's Sunday School class this morning. This was the earliest we've been up in probably a month!!

I have been trying to gather, tag, and enter items in the computer for the Rhea Lana sale which is coming up the first week of August. I have discovered that this is a great way to get rid of the clothes and shoes the kids have outgrown, and I don't have to have a garage sale to do it. It's very simple...I have already entered 125 items in the computer, and I'm not finished yet. If you haven't used this, check out their website and see if they have a sale near's also a great way to get decent kids clothes without paying the high prices!

These are the pictures of the mess I've made since working on the sale items...I am so ready for my house to be back in order!!

I think I've created a MONSTER!!! I walked into the living room while Mac was watching Little Bill, and this is what I found...He had found my Route 44 Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper from Sonic and was treating himself to some!!

Well, guess it's back to the grindstone. Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

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