Thursday, July 30, 2009


For the first two nights of sleeping in his "toddler" bed, Mac did a great job. Then last night got here. I put him to bed, then jumped in the tub for a nice, hot bath. I heard him crying when I turned the water off, and Emma said Randall had gone to check on him. Randall gave in and let him have his "4 more minutes" that he always asks for. I went to put him back in the bed, and once I laid him down, he started crying and told me there were "monsters" in his room.

Ok, so we've never had a problem with him going to bed. I finally checked his room (no monsters!!) and covered him up. I did leave his lamp on, but he still cried for a while. I think finally he just cried himself to sleep, which I hate. However, he did stay in his bed all night, and he is still plan if this happens again? Put some water in a spray bottle and make "Monster Away Spray" to spray in his room!!

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