Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bye-Bye Tonsils

Yesterday morning, Emma had her tonsils and adnoids removed. We had to be at the surgery center at 8:30. As many of you know, Emma is not a good patient. She wouldn't put the medical bracelet on, and it took both Randall and me to put her hospital gown on. Once they gave her verset by mouth, she calmed down a little and started to get silly. She took my camera and was taking all kinds of pictures. She kept telling me and Randall to get together like we liked each other. It was very cute. They finally took her back for surgery around 10:00. Dr. Hatfield came to the waiting room where we were waiting with Bro. James about 10:25 and said all went well. We finally got to join Emma in recovery around 11:00. She slept for about an hour and 15 minutes after the surgery and woke up in a pretty good mood. She slept off and on all day yesterday. She just got up this morning and is complaining of being hungry (Randall is cooking her some scrambled eggs) and of her throat hurting. She won't take the pain medicine, but we did get her to take her antibiotic and some motrin. Thanks to all of you who came by to visit, brought goodies, and prayed for our family during this time. A special thanks to Gramps who kept Mac for us yesterday morning. I think they had a good time!!

Emma not wanting to put on her hospital gown.

Randall fighting Emma to put the gown on.

Snuggling with Mommy...not a happy camper.

Sitting in the hospital bed with Mommy after having blood pressure and temp taken.

Relaxing with Daddy. There is a smile.

Mrs. Diane came to see us before we ever went back. She brought Emma this cute bag that was full of popsicles, crayons, Hello Kitty activity pad, nail polish, and lip gloss. Thank you Mrs. Diane and Mr. Tom!!

After the meds, this is a pic she took of me and Randall.

The picture Emma took of Dr. Hatfield.

Emma in the bed by herself waiting to go to surgery.

The picture Emma took of Dee, the nurse who took her back to surgery.

Being wheeled down the hall by Dee and Dr. Hatfield.

Still asleep in the recovery room.

Eating a banana popsicle after waking up.

Kelly, her recovery nurse, getting ready to take the IV out.

Taking the wrapping off the IV.

Emma back in her iCarly nightgown getting ready to go home.

Get Well balloon and webkinz dog from Mommy, Daddy, and Mac.

Princess Activities from Grammy and Gramps. They got Mac a baseball.

We couldn't leave Mac out...he got a webkinz lizard.

Books from Mr. Gary and Mrs. Becky. The ones on the left are for Mac, and the ones on the right are for Emma.

Balloons and gum from Mr. Michael.

Barbie from Grandma.

Teddy bears for both kids from Valley Baptist Church.

Balloons from church

1 comment:

Lori said...

Kelley, I have not been on here all week because we had VBS. I am glad everything went well. I can still remember the day I had my tonsils taken out. It seems just like yesterday. Dr. Hatfield took mine out many, many years ago, lol!! Anyways, tell Emma we said hi and hope she is doing well.