Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Emma's First Kindergarten Field Trip

Emma spraying the water hose.
Emma coming down the ladder of the smoke house.

Today Emma's class took their first field trip of the year. They went to the fire station for fire safety week. She was so excited about being able to ride on a "big bus" for the first time. Apparently they all had a great time and were completely worn out when they got back to school. Mrs. Amy (her teacher) said ALL the student slept at naptime and that she was going to schedule a field trip to the fire station DAILY!! Emma was excited that she got to see Ainslee's dad, Mr. John, working when she was there!! I have more pics that I will try to add later.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Kelly, I love to log into your blog and listen to your music while I am transcribing during the day!! Great song choices.