Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our typical morning

After I get ready and wake up Emma then Mac, both kids get their bowl of cereal (they are on that kick right now) and sit at the table to eat. They usually watch "Blue's Clues" while eating and getting dressed for their day. Our typical day starts out with me getting up around 6:00 and getting ready. I go wake Emma up around 6:10 and tell her she has 10 m0re minutes to sleep. If she doesn't get this 10 minute warning, our morning is HORRIBLE!! I finish getting ready then go get her up. She starts her breakfast while I go get Mac up. He gets up around 6:30. Mac joins his big sister at the table for breakfast. Around 6:45, I start getting them dressed and teeth brushed so we are out the door by 7:00. I drop Mac off at Mrs. Renee's, then Emma at Mrs. Curtis's Preschool and Kindergarten. Then my day starts as I try to get to SWMS by 7:15 or so to make sure I am ready for the day with my students. By this time, I feel like I've been up FOREVER!!

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